
Weight Loss Hypnosis – Myth Or Miracle?

In recent years, weight loss hypnosis has been making waves in the multi-million dollar weight loss industry, advertising itself as the revolutionary way to help people lose weight and keep their unwanted pounds off. These campaigns has stirred people from famous movie stars to the average housewife using hypnosis for weight loss techniques to aid their weight loss and keep their figures. However, like all new trends in weight loss, is weight loss with hypnosis an over hyped myth that does not really work like advertised or is it truly the miracle that people have been waiting for?

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No matter what the advertisements says about how new weight loss hypnosis is, the fact is, these methods have existed for many years. These same techniques that are taught in hypnosis for weight loss programs are also used to treat other problems in individuals like smoking, pain control, anxiety disorders and of course, weight loss. Techniques used in weight loss hypnosis by many qualified weight loss hypnosis therapist are derived from the established and proven techniques of hypnosis like anchoring and association.

To many people, the word hypnosis always elicits images of people doing silly antics under the instructions of a stage hypnotist. Due to this portrayal of hypnosis, people have been slow to pick up hypnosis for weight loss techniques or approach a qualified weight loss hypnosis therapist for their weight management goals. Although the stage hypnotist uses some of the techniques of hypnosis, a proper hypnosis program for weight loss is unlike a variety hypnosis television program.

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